Our Framework

Are You New To The Healthcare System In the Country You Are In?

FIND & ACCESS the healthcare you can AFFORD In ANY Region

According to World Health Organization, migrants have poor access to healthcare:

"Sometimes, access to quality healthcare is limited by information and awareness of the available resources. We need an idea that might help bridge that gap and improve healthcare access for certain people"

"It’s an issue the United States has faced for a long time, access to healthcare. This is a human right and should not be difficult for anyone, everyone should be able to get help in an affordable way. If other countries have figured out how to do it, then we can too. By creating this tool this will surely help many students in crisis facing this issue"

Our findings from 100+ interviews:

"We need for accessibility and information of US healthcare system. At least that much is required"

Let's change that.

Through Immihealth, access healthcare at reduced costs today!

ImmiHealth is more than just a resource app:

Difficulty locating clinics?

Through ImmiHealth app, find all free health clinics and programs based on your zip code, contact them through the app, and learn more about their services.

Facing Language barriers?

Using ImmiHealth app, connect with clinics and health programs that offer various services, including the ones focused on immigrant, refugee, and uninsured populations' needs. Request a translator on the app

Finding costs too expensive?

Through our app, apply for ImmiHealth's health scholarships that will help cover your healthcare expenses. ImmiHealth provides these scholarships with the help of our funding sources.

Struggling to trust providers?

Using ImmiHealth app, utilize our healthcare network for health-related, educational resources that are provided and created with the help of individuals in healthcare, who are passionate about their fields.

Problem Space

Using ImmiHealth

Difficult to locate clinics, providing free or affordable healthcare; have to search multiple sites and databases.

Through ImmiHealth app, find free health clinics and programs based on zip code, contact them, and learn more about their services.

I am a migrant and I cannot find healthcare resources due to my language barrier.

Utilize our network in healthcare to seek free or affordable medical help. We have collaborated with organizations like Myspeech, offering speech-language therapy at significantly lower costs.

Difficult to find trusted medical services at lower costs.

Using ImmiHealth app, connect with clinics and health programs that offer various services, including the ones for immigrant, refugee, and uninsured populations.

Facing financial obstacles in affording expensive healthcare services.

Through our app, apply for ImmiHealth's health scholarships that will help cover your healthcare expenses. ImmiHealth provides these scholarships with the help of our funding sources.

Difficult to find informative content on various aspects of healthcare, including clinical/non-clinical research, diseases/infections, technology in medicine, medical insurance, etc.

Using ImmiHealth app, utilize our healthcare network for health-related, educational resources that are provided and created with the help of individuals in healthcare, who are passionate about their fields.

How Are We Impacting?

Through a simple mobile app, enabling connection to health-related resources and educational content for those with poor/limited access to healthcare.

Our Connections In Healthcare

This is our worldwide healthcare network so far, which we have established within just a few weeks. We are still working hard to continue expanding this network and impact the lives of thousands of people with poor/limited access to healthcare.

Please note: our web app is not yet published. The bar code above was earlier made open to show a prototype of the app. At the moment, the bar code is not functioning. THE BAR CODE WAS ONLY FOR PROTOTYPE PURPOSES. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Our Services

These have been possible through our collaborations and network in healthcare.

Access Our Services

Through a simple mobile app, enabling connection to health-related resources and educational content for those with poor/limited access to healthcare. Utilize our resources and network in healthcare through ImmiHealth's mobile app. COMING SOON].

*** ImmiHealth started a few weeks ago. Since then, we have been working hard on multiple aspects of this project, ranging from creating the web application to setting up connections in healthcare. Our goal is to complete the app development by the end of May 2022 and continue setting up our healthcare network. Starting in June of 2023, we will launch the web app through which people will be able to benefit from our health services.

Watch Our Team In Action

Putting in the effort. Developing our framework.

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